All the data you need to minimize the airborne viral risk indoor

Real-time tracking of indoor air quality parameters that affect the airborne viral transmission to empower efforts towards a healthier and safer environment.

airborne viral index, air quality monitoring

Good indoor air quality is now paramount

Correlation between air quality and the airborne virus transmission risk has been scientifically proven by various researches.

Our Airborne Viral Index (AVI) relates air quality with the potential infection rate of an airborne virus, focusing on the air quality variables that a building can control and measure via continuous monitoring, thus empowering building owners to evaluate and optimize indoor environments and minimize the risk of potential harmful pathogens.

How does AVI work?

The framework of Viral Index consists of four parts which influence airborne virus risk to assess your risk level.

We use data based on CO2, temperature, humidity and PM2.5 that we can continuously monitor.

  • virus risk, air quality monitoring

    Virus Survivability

    How long viruses can survive airborne or in aerosolized particles

  • immune system, virus transmission risk

    Immune System Health

    How strong an average individual’s immune system is in relation to relative humidity

  • pm2.5 measurement

    PM2.5 Health Impact

    The impact of PM2.5 on an individual’s health and susceptibility to viral infections

  • co2 monitoring

    Potential Viral Dosage

    The amount of potential viruses in the space, exposure strength, and exposure duration

The different use cases

We help you gain greater trust from your building users

  • commercial building air quality monitoring


  • employee health, Sick building syndrome


  • school air quality monitoring


  • safe environment


  • air quality monitoring, client experience


  • wellbeing, family, air quality monitoring


air borne viral index whitepaper

The viral risk matters!

Know more about the correlation of air quality and virus transmission risk, and how to take effective improvement actions to create a safer environment.

3 Risk levels with unique view

gams’ Airborne Viral Index is an index to inform the likelihood of airborne virus transmission in an indoor space

Different index level coloring and unique view options to help you safely display your indoor airborne viral risk in various application scenarios.

More details could be viewed by scanning QR code.

airborne viral index
air quality display
  • Normal Level

    You should aim to keep your risk at this level where the chance of airborne virus transmission is lowered How long viruses can survive airborne or in aerosolized particles

  • Action Level

    The point at which you should take action and follow some of our suggested insights in the dashboard to lower your risk back to Normal levels

  • Warning Level

    Airborne virus spread is likely. Action should be taken straight away

    (Different coloring options)

AVI monitoring package

The simple one-stop package to get you started.

kaiterra mini service bundle, air quality monitoring

Hardware: Kaiterra Sensedge Mini Commercial Air Quality Monitor

Software: gams’ Basic service

Our special bundled purchase discount

  • 20% OFF for monitor + 1-year service bundle

  • 30% OFF for monitor + 2-year service bundle


∗ gams’ Airborne Viral Index only takes into account the microdroplets that stay in the air a long time and can travel long distances indoors. It does not look at other factors such as surface contact and sneeze droplets

∗ gams’ Airborne Viral Index doesn’t stop or kill viruses in a building, but it gives an indication of how high the risk of airborne transmission is

∗ gams’ Airborne Viral Index can be used for all airborne viruses, such as flu, and isn’t only applicable for COVID-19

∗ Our team does not claim to be medical professionals, but simply experts in building operations and management. Our updates are based on the latest researches available to the public, and we are constantly looking to improve the relevancy of our service